Oh My Hero!
By S.M.A. Faiz*
The name is Mugdha implying that he was enthralled and impressed
And he was totally set in his ways
Being bestowed and blessed
With a seraphic look in an ever-smiling face.
A maverick he was proffering bottles of water
For our beloved protesters to quench their thirst
And set to sail into the wide blue yonder
Never did he fear to meet the worst.
And anon I saw with my bleeding heart
How the killer's bullet hit his head
And for long I pondered being in the cart
Why our hero is lying cold and dead!
Oh the great youth! Oh my hero!
For you the accolade for you a great kudo
For giving us the wonder for the Morrow.
Oh my hero! not I drown my sorrow
But for you I wear the green willow.
*S.M.A. Faiz is the Author of The Fallen Flower Called Red and Blue.